Celebrate Wonder
The curriculum we are using for our elementary school-age Sunday School is Celebrate Wonder from Cokesbury Publishing. It is designed to engage the children's natural curiosity and sense of wonder by using songs, videos, and activities. For more information, please visit:
If you are interested in joining our Sunday School or would like to find out more, please contact Ruth Barnes or Henrieta Ribeiro through the church office.
Sundays @ 11:00 a.m.
Adult Sunday School meets every Sunday after worship, 11:00 -12:00 in classroom #3.
We are currently studying “Words of Life, The Promise of the Ten Commandments”. This is a DVD series by Adam Hamilton. Come join the discussion, as we unpack how the “thou shalt nots” point to a life-giving “thou shalt”!
With the beginning of the Advent Season, we will explore the life of Joseph and his place in the Nativity story which has valuable lessons for us all today. The presenter, Adam Hamilton, brings a pastoral sensitivity and careful research to the much-neglected story of Joseph the carpenter, the earthly parent of Jesus!
No homework! Everyone is welcome!!
Contact Us
(630) 653-7116
250 N Gary Ave, Carol Stream, IL 60188, USA
Mon: 5 pm - 6 pm
(Food Pantry)
Tue-Wed: 9:30 am - 2:30 pm
(Office Hour)
Saturday: 8:30 am - 11:30 am
(Citizenship Mentoring & ESL)
Sunday: 9 am - 12 pm
(Worship & Sunday School)